Activity: Map your current career path
1. Make a list of 15 different milestones, relationships, people, jobs or experiences that brought you to where you are today.

2. Create a map with your milestones. Connect them chronologically, making note of the impact they had on your state of mind at the time. Draw your map on a white board, a large piece of paper or your computer.

3. Choose a different pen colour and note your emotions throughout the map. How did you feel before and after you got your last job? When did you last feel overwhelmed or totally satisfied?
4. Review your map. Take note of patterns, classes, jobs, industries, themes and clues that could inform your next step.

5. Ask yourself:
- What do I want to repeat?
- Do differently?
- Learn from this?
- What interests or jobs emerge that may have been hidden in your peripheral vision?
6. Note the themes that emerge, do some research, look at jobs you are interested in, and take workshops to build skills - register on CLNx for a Career Exploration and Education workshop.

Other ways to keep exploring:
Want to keep thinking about your path? Attend the workshops: 'Know Your Skills' or 'Finding Meaningful Work' to identify themes by reflecting on your strengths, interests and values in your past experiences. Build on this exercise by attending events hosted by CxED - register on CLNx