How do I create a tailored application?

As you embark on the next steps in your career journey, it is essential to focus not only on finding roles that resonate with your aspirations but also on crafting tailored applications that effectively showcase your strengths and potential.
Here's how you can embark on this exploration using the services and programs offered at U of T and beyond.
- Research the organization
- Consider your skills and what you bring to the role
- Tailor your resume and cover letter
Want to dig deeper? Try these resources:
Connecting your skills with the employer's needs - (T-chart)
1. Research the organization
Before you send your resume and cover letter, do some homework on the company you are applying to. Visit its website, social media pages, and news articles to learn about its mission, vision, values, products, services, culture, and achievements.
This will help you tailor your application to the organization's specific needs and goals and show that you genuinely want to work there.
If you know someone who works there, consider reaching out to ask them some questions about the organization and their experience working there.
Do you need some tips on how to approach an informational interview? Learn more here about informational interviews.
2. Consider your skills and what you bring to the job
During the job search process, it is important to reflect on your unique skills and how they align with the requirements for the jobs you are looking for. Review the module on Identifying Your Skills to Build Your Resume: By matching the skills the employer is seeking, you can clearly link them with your skills.
Take a look at the job you are interested in and ask yourself:
- What are the employer's needs?
- What skills do you have in relation that match that need?
- What were the related specific work experiences that can show that?
Try this activity to help you connect your skills and competencies to the jobs you are applying to.
3. Tailor a resume and cover letter
Make a Resume & Cover Letter to Fit Each Role You Are Applying to - Tailor your resume and cover letter for each application to highlight your most relevant experiences and skills. Customized applications stand out more and show the employer that you have a specific interest in their organization rather than sending generic applications to multiple employers.
Use our Resume and Cover Letter Module as a resource to help you write a great application!
Searching for more resources to support your job search?
Check out these Career Start links about the job search & interviews: