Activity: Describe your dream job
What makes work meaningful to you depends on three motivations:
- Craft motives are when individuals match their professions with their talents and interests.
- Consider what talents and interests you will find rewarding to work on every day.

2. Compensation motives include pay, of course, but also power, authority, leadership and recognition.
- What will each of these items look like for you when you are working in your dream job?

3. Moral motives include trust, caring and vocation.
- Recognize workplace values that impact these factors, and foster these characteristics with your coworkers to build an environment for meaningful work.

List everything you want in life - including material things and money. What kinds of relationships do you want at work and home?
- What experiences will make you happy?
- How much time will you need for family and friends?
- Does your work need to be creative to be meaningful to you?
- What does a workday look like, and how will you feel at the end of it?
- How do your values show up in your work?
After reflecting on these questions, describe your dream job.
Other ways to keep exploring:
Want to keep thinking about your path? Attend the Know Your Skills workshop or Finding Meaningful Work to identify themes by reflecting on your strengths, interests and values in your past experiences. Build on this exercise by attending events hosted by CxED