Positive Uncertainty - Be aware and wary

Tips on how to be aware and wary about career decision-making?
- Obtain and use information effectively in making your decision.
- Challenge your assumptions and biases in decision-making and seek out diverse perspectives.
- Be aware that useful information can be limited and frequently misleading.
Here is an activity to reflect on how to be aware in you decision-making:
Think of a decision you made recently.
What else could you do? What action?
What else could happen? Outcomes? Can you think of three possible outcomes?
What else could you do? What action?
What else could happen? Outcomes? Can you think of three possible outcomes?
What else could you do? What action?
What else could happen? Outcomes? Can you think of three possible outcomes?
How do you feel about your decision now?
What do you now know about your decision?
Note: This activity is adapted from Gelatt, H. B., & Gelatt, V. N. (n.d.). Positive Uncertainty [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www.gelattpartners.com/positiveuncertainty.html (site no longer active)